Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My First 5K - The Color Run!!

You're lookin' at a gal who has officially completed her first 5K! Whoo hoo, I did it!

Thousands of people in white shirts packed into the START chute on that unseasonably cold, cloudy July morning. Some were in bouncy groups of friends, others in family groups with parents and children, still some in couples. Very few, I think were like me - runnin' solo. Because there were so many of us, they staggered the start time and had us start in chunks. The fact that we didn't all start together and all of us were here in different posses (or, ahem, lack thereof) symbolized the fact that this wasn't really a race but a collection of people for whom this race had different meanings: a fun family outing for some, an excuse to party and stay in shape for others. And then, packed somewhere inside the herd of eagerly-waiting Color Runners, was me: for me, this race was the first step into my new journey. I definitely wasn't the only one in the crowd attempting a 5K for the first time. But I wondered how many others were using this Color Run as the starting point of a journey to conquer their doubts about what they are capable of.

My first 5K was a lot of fun. At each color station, I made sure to get close to the sides of the lane so I could get as much powdered color on me as possible - and even that didn't seem like enough.
I was able to jog a good portion of the way without stopping at first, but after a while I had to settle for run-walking. I knew this would happen - after all, I only had like 3 weeks of training. That plus the fact that it's the Color Run made it hard to be disappointed in my performance. But at one point, as I was panting through a stretch of jogging on my way to the Yellow color station, I thought: how will I EVER be able to do 10 more miles of this?! If 3.1 were giving me trouble, I couldn't imagine a time when I could ever RUN non-stop for 13 miles! Will I really be able to do this one day?

The Color Run delivered on its promise and was a very happy 5K. I ran enough of it that I felt exhilarated when I was done, ready to take on the day (the best part: I'd done all of this and it wasn't even 10:30 AM yet!). This truly was a new experience for me, and I can't wait for more. I can see how people get addicted to the thrill of completing races.

My next 5K is the "Especially for You" 5K for breast cancer prevention in my hometown of Cedar Rapids, IA. It's not until mid-October, though, so I'm trying to find another one to do between now and then to keep myself motivated and get more practice. After all, I intend to go out with a bang in my hometown 5K!

Some pics from The Color Run, July 28, 2013, Milwaukee

The BEFORE pic....

...aaaand the AFTER pic!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why Run?

This is my blog about training for 5Ks and, eventually, a half marathon. I never thought I'd become yet another running blogger; running blogs (and blogs in general) are a dime a dozen these days, so what new could I possibly add to all of that? But, as I was thinking about my new foray into running and my progress so far, I realized my thoughts about it are richer than I thought they would be, so I figured...oh, why not?

 Here's my story.

 Why would someone who has never liked running decide to train for a half marathon? It all started when I decided, on July 1st, to register for The Color Run here in Milwaukee. It just seemed like it would be fun, and cool thing to say I did. I'd only have weeks to prepare which wouldn't be nearly enough time for me to properly train for a 5K...but The Color Run is supposed to be fun and I'll be proud of myself for trying my best and not walking the whole thing. As I started to prepare for it, I began to wonder: why stop there? Why not challenge myself even more?

 I know that doesn't really answer why I'm doing this. As the title of this blog suggests, I don't run because I just loooooove running so much. I'm doing all this because I want to feel that sense of accomplishment. I feel like that's been missing in my adult life: that feeling you get from setting a goal, working really hard, and then ACHIEVING it. It's so hard to find that in the adult life, where the emphasis is on fulfilling your responsibility and taking care of yourself. No one is standing in line to congratulate you just for doing your job, paying your bills on time, finishing 4 books this month, or any of the little things that might feel like accomplishments to you. Who cares? Unless you're an Olympic athlete or breakout business star, it's hard to get praise and acknowledgement that was showered upon us when we achieved in school athletics and academics. I know that it's supposed to be enough to accomplish something for yourself...but let's face it, we're human, and we're hardwired to crave social validation and praise from our peers. I want to accomplish something that others can appreciate.

 Also, I want to pose a challenge to myself and others. I want to challenge the Hanna who said she could never do something like this because she isn't good at running and hates it, the Hanna who thinks she's not athletic and isn't disciplined enough to achieve something like this. And hopefully, in case someone actually reads this one day, I can challenge them to be better than themselves, too - maybe they will in turn be inspired to do the thing that the naysaying voice inside constantly scoffs at. That's my story. I'm not trying to force myself to love running, I just want to achieve the goal that I have set for myself of running in the Kenosha half marathon in the Spring. If I happen to fall in love with running, that's great. If I happen to totally transform into a fitness guru who eats healthy and works out religiously, that's great too. But those aren't my goals. Right now, I'm just focused on achieving my goal, proving myself wrong, and being better than the person I was before July 1st.